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Jasmyne Cannick Cites Ed Buck Cover-Up As Reason She's Running For Office

The journalist, activist & Noah's Arc producer is looking to add a new title to her resume.

In a Los Angeles Sentinel article one of the most influential African Americans in Los Angeles announced that she was running for office. Jasmyne A. Cannick the accomplished on-air and in-print pop culture critic and race issues commentator hopes to be one of the next County Central Committee member for the Los Angeles county Democratic party. In her latest article she shares how it was another influential democratic party player that inspired her to action.

Ed Buck was a large donor to the local Democratic party for which he even landed a selfie with Hillary Clinton. (That loose association was used by Russian facebook to depress votes amongst African-Americans.). Bucks influential status is suspected to be the reason why police hesitated to open investigations after two black gay men where found dead in his apartment.

Cannick's hopes to bring a greater sense of accountability to the Democratic party which is suffering challenges to its credibility internally and externally.

Unafraid Of Speaking Truth To Power.

Back in 2014 on Fox News appearance she calls out the Network for spreading racist propaganda. Watch below and tell me this ain't the kind of person we need advocation on our behalf?

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