Joe wins 9 states Bernie Wins 5

Video: Biden Attacked By Protestor Super Tuesday Night
6:10 p.s.t:
Biden projected to win the state of Tenessee
The South Clearly Had A Favorite
Biden's victories in Alabama, North Carolina, Tennessee & Virginia were so overwhelming that the states were called for the former vice-president within seconds. of polls closing.
5:12 p.s.t:
CNN and NBC project that Biden will win Alabama. Sanders has won Vermont.
(FB Post from black gay activist D'Angelo Morrison demonstrating Biden's deep support among southern black)
4:11 p.s.t:
Thanks to overwhelming support from the African-American community and high profile campaign suspensions and endorsements from his rivals, Joe Biden may be on his way to an upset.
Perhaps it's because people love to ultimately root for the underdog. It can't be understated what a turn of events this is for a canidacy that seemed to be on life support a month ago.
We're still waiting to see how big prizes like California and Texas report but based on Biden's blitz with Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti it looks like it's going to be close.