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3 Men Beaten Outside Of Historic Gay Bar

Police in Boston are looking into a hate motivated crime.

According to Boston detectives 3 men reported being attacked last Friday outside of Jacques Cabaret - a local drag bar in the Bay Village neighborhood.

From New, Now Next:

”The victim stated that his friend and him were outside and they were approached by three males. The victims stated that he was struck in the face and then fell to ground at which time the suspect struck him with a shod foot multiple times to his face. The victim stated that the person eventually stopped and fled the area.”

Two of the victims wished to remain anonymous. One of the victims, Michael Flowers (pictured above) shared his account of the ordeal on social media.

It’s a shame that these things are still happening in 2019. Keep an eye out for the people that you love. A special thanks to Mr. Flowers for sharing his story.

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