It's been an interesting few weeks for femme rappers Cardi B and Foxjazell.
First an old video of Cardi B admitting to robbing and drugging clients when she was a stripper. Another video that caught our attention features Cardi B instructing women to get back at disloyal men by setting them up with trans-women. Some find it transphobic but you can watch and judge for yourself.
Trans-rapper Foxjazell hopped on youtube to defend her fellow emcee; Foxxjazell herself has been a hot topic this week as an alleged item of Real Housewife's star Matt Jordan. Although she didn't really address Cardi's past scandals related to trans men and women she cited recent bio-pics and specials on R.Kelly, Michael Jackson, and Whitney as the patriarchy stopping a women from shinning.
Should trans-women be sticking together to denounce Cardi or is their room for differing opinions?