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Bey-Hives and Bathhouses?

A new black gay film draws nostalgia and criticism.

Independent films have always been a big part of black gay culture. It’s a safe space for all of our narratives that haven’t yet been deemed valuable enough to be shared by mainstream studios. Shows like Finding Me and the Triangle Series explore our stories in ways that only we can.

Director and award winning comedian Sampson McCormick allowed us a peek behind the scenes of his latest vehicle, Party and Play, a comedy thriller that somehows centers around Beyonce tickets and a sex party. I know, blasphemy to some folks.

Any critiques of this movie follow the same trend as earlier critiques of the genre itself. Some viewers have taken cause with the production quality and the actor’s abilities. While some of those observations may be credible, Party and Play definitely showcased the comedic timing and emotional range of actor Donnie Hue (pictured bottom right opposite Justin Rayne)

Party and Play is a solid cultural contribution and deserves a watch. I suspect that any naysayers, wherever they exist might be a little offended about how Queen Bey’s name is worked into a fair number of punchlines or the how Party and Play (PNP, slang for having sex on while using drugs) is worked into the backdrop of the story.

Either way we’ll be looking out for more from Sampson McCormick and the other cast members. If you haven’t seen Party and Play check it out below, for free!


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